Fact-Checking Policy

Welcome to Liscro.com’s Fact-Checking Policy. We encourage you to carefully review this policy before using our website. By accessing and using Liscro.com, you acknowledge and agree to the following terms and principles:

Dedication to Accuracy

At Liscro, our unwavering commitment is to provide accurate and dependable information throughout all our content. We employ a rigorous approach to ensure the highest levels of precision by scrutinizing claims with skepticism, challenging established norms, and questioning assumptions.

Our Pledge to Precision

Our devotion to achieving accuracy is at the heart of our reputation and the trust of our discerning audience. The term ‘due’ underscores that precision must be not only comprehensive but also customized to the specific content, considering its subject matter and nature. We maintain transparency regarding any constraints that might influence our expectations of accuracy.

The Quest for Credibility

In line with this commitment, all our content, as appropriate to its subject and nature, is meticulously sourced, grounded in available evidence, and substantiated. We embrace transparency when acknowledging gaps in our knowledge and firmly reject baseless conjecture.

Integrity in Reporting

Our journalists are steadfast in their dedication to ethical reporting. They strictly adhere to a code of ethics that prohibits deliberate plagiarism and the distortion of facts or context, including visual information.

Rigorous Verification

We diligently seek independent verification from reliable sources to substantiate claims, information, or allegations, especially when they originate from public officials or individuals with motives beyond reporting the unadulterated truth. Claims, allegations, material facts, and other content that cannot be corroborated are typically attributed as such.

Accountability and Corrections

Liscro stands behind the information it publishes and asserts its accuracy. In the rare instance of a discrepancy, we promptly rectify the news item or information. We are resolute in our commitment to not knowingly mislead our audience, distort facts, or present fabricated material as truth. When we encounter serious factual errors, we acknowledge them openly and make corrections promptly, clearly, and appropriately.

Empowering Our Audience

We firmly believe in empowering our audience. To this end, we provide a dedicated ‘Suggest A Correction’ section at the end of each web story. This platform allows the public to report any inaccuracies or errors in our reportage, ensuring a robust feedback mechanism.

Our Journalists’ Ethical Responsibility

Our journalists’ primary responsibility lies in reporting, writing, and rigorously fact-checking stories. All our stories undergo a thorough review by one or more editors. Liscro has a multi-tiered fact-checking structure for stories that demand in-depth scrutiny. The selection of editors who review a story before publication varies based on a range of factors, including complexity, sensitivity, and time constraints.

Our Correction Policies

At Liscro.com, we maintain an unwavering commitment to excellence and accuracy. While we strive to minimize errors, we recognize that occasional mistakes may occur. When such errors arise, Liscro.com takes full responsibility for addressing and rectifying them, maintaining the highest levels of transparency to assure all stakeholders that incorrect information is promptly corrected.

Responsibilities for Accuracy, Transparency, and Excellence


If a reader identifies an error, they should contact our Editor-in-Chief, Shella Omar, directly through email, phone, mail, or in person.

Email: contact@liscro.com

Subject: Correction Request

Please note that a correction is considered officially submitted only when the reader contacts the Editor-in-Chief directly. Corrections sent to other Liscro.com staff members may not be addressed in a timely manner or at all.

If submitting corrections by email or mail, please include the correction itself, the issue date or number, where the error was found (in print, online, etc.), your name, and a phone number or email address for contact. Additionally, provide the correct information and, if applicable, the source where you found the correct information (e.g., meeting minutes if a vote tally was incorrect).

The reader can expect a response from the Editor-in-Chief and may be contacted for further clarification or information. Please note that a correction submission guarantees an investigation of the error but does not guarantee the issuance of a correction.


Once the Editor-in-Chief is informed of an error, they will conduct a thorough investigation using the information provided by the reader, meeting minutes, reporter’s recordings, and any other available sources.

If an error is confirmed, the Editor-in-Chief will issue a correction across all platforms where the incorrect information was disseminated:


Corrections will be prominently featured on page 2A in the next published issue. The correction will specify the issue, article, and the erroneous information, along with the accurate correction.


The article will be corrected, and an editor’s note will be appended to the bottom of the article, detailing the nature of the error and when the article was amended.


In the case of articles posted on platforms like Facebook or Twitter under Liscro’s control, a post will be made linking to the corrected article, accompanied by an acknowledgment of the correction.

Upon completion of the correction process, the Editor-in-Chief will inform the reader who submitted the correction about the steps taken to rectify the error.